Share plan participation encourages longer term saving which can result in greater financial wellbeing, and in turn, improve employee retention.

Our services can not only help employees understand how they can cut costs and save money in order to be able to afford to contribute, but it can also inform employees about the various benefits of the different types of share plans and key considerations to think through such as levels of risk and tax.

For example, employees can learn about linking a Share Incentive Plan (SIP) with a pension to benefit from double tax relief; or they can discover how to shelter Save as you Earn (SAYE also known as Sharesave) gains from tax by linking to an ISA.

When considering maturity, diversification is also key. History has shown that holding too many shares in any one single company can be risky. This is why many employees choose to diversify their shares and continue to invest across a range of funds across many different sectors to spread their investment risk.

See how we have helped Drax support their employees with its maturing share plan.

If you would like to discuss how we can help you to support your employees to improve their financial future, please get in touch.

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