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We offer financial guidance services for employees and pension scheme members who need one-to-one support.

These include:

Financial guidance clinics

We offer bespoke financial guidance clinics for employees and pension scheme members on a project basis either face-to-face, by video call or over the telephone.

These projects can cover a number of areas but recent projects have included; pension closures, redundancy and pension tax allowances issues. Employees and members are able to ask specific questions relating to their individual circumstances and will receive financial guidance on their options.

Financial guidance at-retirement

This service is available for employees and pension scheme members who are deciding how to best access their workplace pensions and retirement savings – whether they are defined benefit, defined contribution or a mix of both.

Using a structured set of questions and prompts, our telephone based guidance team will discuss scheme specific options and the relationship to other lifetime savings with employees and members, and if further support is required they will signpost to Pension Wise or investment advice. A written report is created for employees/members and employers/Trustees will receive confirmation to record that a retirement guidance session took place. This service meets the Pension Regulator’s and FCA’s requirements to provide risk warnings for employees and scheme members.

Following financial guidance, employees and pension scheme members have access to a telephone helpline for those who would like to speak to someone to clarify any general financial queries they may have.

What our clients say…

experian logo

Lesley Sutherland, Group Pensions Manager and Head of Pension Projects, Experian

“Following the launch of our financial education and guidance service, we can now see members making more proactive and informed contribution and investment decisions…”

volvo logo

Nick Wheeler, Chair of Trustees, Volvo Group UK Retirement Plan

“The Trustees were looking for a service which could best prepare our members to maximise their retirement income with all the flexibilities now available to them under the pension freedoms…”

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