With so many different financial options available at-retirement, it is now more important than ever that you have the right knowledge to make informed decisions. It is beneficial to list all your assets to work out what you have and what they are all worth. In addition to your pensions which may include defined benefit (final salary), and defined contribution (money purchase) pensions, you may also have other assets such as ISAs, shares and general savings. All of which should be considered as potential sources of retirement income.
Although making the right investment choices when saving for your pension can have a huge impact on the value of your pension pot when you retire, of equal importance is the retirement income option(s) you choose.
If you are a member of a defined contribution (DC) pension scheme, there are a number of options available to you when you come to take your retirement income. In April 2015, changes in pension legislation called ‘freedom and choice in pensions’, allowed individuals with a DC pension far greater access to their pension savings. Whilst these freedoms are a positive change, the options available can seem complicated.
Our services offer expert guidance and advice on retirement income options such as; annuities, drawdown or a combined approach. Whatever help you require, we’ll consider all the necessary factors including your personal circumstances and attitude to risk to ensure that you make the right choices for your retirement.
For further information on retirement income options, please click here.