
Diversification is an important consideration for those participating in share schemes on an on-going basis. Our ISA can help employees manage investment risk in a tax efficient manner as it enables employees to transfer shares from all employee share schemes.

Shares from a Save As You Earn (SAYE) scheme can be transferred to an ISA within 90 days following the exercise of the share option and shares from a Share Incentive Plan (SIP) can be transferred to an ISA within 90 days of their withdrawal from the plan.  The ISA can provide the following potential benefits:

  • Transferring shares up to a value of £20,000 (2024/25)
  • SAYE transfers are free of capital gains tax
  • Future capital growth is free of tax
  • Shares can be diversified where an individual holds a large proportion of their wealth in the shares of one company

For more details, please contact us.